Forum Replies Created
NO! the best and town with the biggest house EVER! is Khali. Go check it out or mail me if you would like to join it or look at it :3
What? Did garygill get banned? or what? XD I have no clue what you guys are talking about.
Im truly sorry but i vote down because you did not even explain on any terms once so ever. i also do beileve that his friends should not come back either.
Lol guys no it wouldnt and penguin you’ll be ok, a moderator will help you.
What are the bugged items? or are these bugged items classified?
To take a screen shot on a mac book you hold the buttons in this order, command, shift, 3.
If that does not work for you then i have no clue why because it works for me fine.
Yes, I feel the same way but I can tell you almost 5 people that do it. I don’t know there exact names but this will give you at least a hint on it. names: Xavier, DTR, Nicholastraise, wither, plus a few more i just can’t think of the names right now.
Lol guys
By the way i didnt out it in a link so you have to type it in on your web address bar at the top of your screen.
Ok, keshan, the idea of the almost near OP isn’t such a great idea considering lots of people would abuse it, but the 2.99 for fly and 1.99 for scs i think is a great idea even considering people would abuse it, I still thinks it a great idea.
Ok, im pretty sure that you do not get to keep your shop, i have expeirenced this ,as also i still am, that your shop dose not delete till a moderator looks at it. By the way, any moderator that sees this please go and delete my scs, i’m about tired of it.
What were you banned for and why do you think you should be unbanned?
Maybe even 10k considering alot of people now a days buy money from the donation mueu, so i wold make it at least 10-20k (10,000-20,000).
lol, skills that is only because you like selling it to make money. I agree an the idea but 300lvls is to much, i would make a sign in the /warp shop that has 32lvls for 5k.