Forum Replies Created
bye shiv’ well miss ya
November 7, 2012 at 1:12 am in reply to: for all those people who have problems with crafting :) #8633 Score: 0YES!! i found the solution for you mac users :3 whunna know it? ok ok ill tell you xD
download this 😛 it will open flash files on your computer.(if its mac!)
November 7, 2012 at 1:04 am in reply to: for all those people who have problems with crafting :) #8632 Score: 0how to open it if you DONT have flash player but have a browser such as i-net explorer or FIREFOX
right click on the file -> open with-> internet explorer ( if you use internet explorer)
right click on the file -> open with-> firefox (if you use firefox)
i think it will work with chrome,not sure though 😛 idk how to on mac. sry for you mac users ill check on utube how to later
ye ik i said all mods ;p
oh lol that explains me getting the map in an item frame in my town XD
sry whoever owns that. ill give it back 😛 xD
it is!! and born,chibi,shaman97,and all gaurdian and head mods THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! for the server you keep under control and supervision and born a special thx to u my friend.
why no votifier yet? >:l xD whatever tryy to put it in soon born! its a very good plugin and does help the server to get popular. we will definetly get more votes than ever and more voters = more ec lovers.
more ec lovers = more donations for the server to stay around for a long time 😛 xD
haha XDDXD you dont know how funny it is. i griefed that town with some ppl (it was fallen and i was searching warps and say /warp paradigm XD) and so ye forget this xD
whoaa max. you keep stuff in chests not item frames 😛 and the server’s towny has a few glitches. anyone can break itemframes now. so be carefull put em behind glass or smthn
yo bo2 make an account in minecraft.net for free and log on with it in technic shafter squared and join tekkit.eternalcracked.com
thats it i think you didnt make a account in minecraft.net.
November 6, 2012 at 10:10 pm in reply to: Wobassafy using invisibility potion and he is flying in pvp ! #8616 Score: 0ye wobassaffy flys,vanishes,and some other stuff like /heal in pvp. he was invisible,no potion bubbles so ye he should get those perks taken…
nhu scammed? O_O
Xavier you used ur perks in pvp which is NOT allowed. this isnt exactly very appealing to the mods.. so you can stop trying
pros: true you MAY have flown for that but still its an offense and the mods DONT allow it..
the server is up! cmon guys swarm it!!!!! NOOW! GO GO GO!