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  • in reply to: Sad to see this from a mod. Kitpvp report. #96025 Score: 0

    1 pt


    I was only joking around, I didn’t get mad, and you could have noticed that by my tone in the messages that proceeded those ones since I used emoticons and stuff,

    From deasertman the man himself.

    in reply to: Sad to see this from a mod. Kitpvp report. #95998 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m pretty sure deasertman knows his rules. If not, he wouldn’t have been a Moderator.

    As for deasertman himself, you may or may not have been joking around, but you need to think of the others adwell. That what you may think is funny, isn’t necessarily funny for others. Keep that in mind.

    As for the report: forwarded to a KitPvP mod. (Other than deasertman)

    in reply to: Prison report. Once again. #95797 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Has been warned.

    in reply to: Prison PG13 report #95795 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Dealt with.

    in reply to: One Full Rank-up-Ideas :) 3d week event :) #95619 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Why don’t you make people be creative?
    I have a few examples:

    1) A story: It’s really simple, contestants make up a story, a creepy or a sad one, a happy one, etc…, in the end you pick which story you like the most and that player wins. This is a great way to see what’s going on in others’ minds, or even find out more about their history aswell. (Don’t be a creep, tough)

    2) Pictures: May not be available for everyone, keep that in mind. Players simply grab a picture about a certain subject, for example their best vacation moment. The picture that you are interested in most, wins.
    In a cool addition: players could even tell a story with their picture, for example where the picture was taken or what they were doing, a great way to prevent players from taking them from the internet!

    3) Videos: could be available to everybody, but maybe not. Players make a video about something. Maybe an epic fail in their life, or a funny moment, the possibilities are endless!

    4) Quotes: simple, players put their favourite quote, the one you like the most wins.

    5) Following: This will require something like facebook or a youtube channel, and is used a lot these days. Simply make people subscribe to your youtube channel or like your facebook page, etc… and pick a random winner.

    Good Luck setting up your events!

    in reply to: Ban appeal for Olivia1405 #95237 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m not sure who you are talking to or why, but I know what advertising is. It’s Olivia1405 who has been banned, but since she cannot get a forums account to get to work for her, I made this ban appeal for her (Thus she won’t be able to read your posts anyway).

    Kind Regards

    in reply to: What kinda horn-honking 'joke' is this? xD #94895 Score: 0

    1 pt

    They are… uh having fun, yeah no harm has been done and nobody told them they had to stop, and the changes have been reversed. Nothing went overboard, I don’t see anything wrong in any case.

    in reply to: Some mod is abusing In Prison #94598 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I don’t think it’s a mod, but the one doing this will certainly be punished, it is abusing a glitch after all.
    For future occasions, I recommend you do what Dark and Own said, and remove your signs or make a double layer.

    in reply to: Ban appeal wtf #94416 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Follow this template:

    In-game name (with right caps):
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):
    Who banned you:
    Why you should be unbanned:

    If you are so sure you have been banned wrongly, and you have recorded a gameplay, post the video proof.

    in reply to: Vsub and Sydney, you were saying? #94235 Score: 0

    1 pt

    What tavon said is partially right.

    What Dicedead said is also partially true, but that doesn’t mean you need to make these topics.

    Why do we play the game? Because we want to, if we would be interested in sports we wouldn’t be here and instead be sporting and all that, or watch tv sports.

    Advertise sports here? nono, why? because there are TV channels for that, if people want to see sports, they’ll look for it.

    No offense to all sports fans, but if you’d be interested in sports you wouldn’t be making these topics and go watch tv or do sports yourself.
    You, Ander, also have no reason in creating these, those interested in sports will go look for it, so think before you speak and start pinning people like tavon down on their pasts..

    in reply to: New Mod apply, From Tavon1924 #94232 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote down.

    -Your grammar isn’t the best, when reading your forum posts, I often need to try hard to find out what you’re saying.

    -Can get mad when things don’t go your way.

    -Mod app denied recently, you have to wait for a longer period of time before re-applying.

    -For what I see, you didn’t change much, seeing you create app after app after app makes me think you only care about the Rank itself, rather than it’s meaning and purpose, which is to help the people and the server.

    -You accuse mods being inactive, basically timezones play a huge role in this, and moderators have lives outside EC. Keep that in mind before saying these kind of things (Also Chillz, no the MG doesn’t have the most active staff, all the servers do, we are one community alltogether, but seperated in different servers)

    -You can report and help players without needing the rank.

    -You haven’t really learned from previous mod apps.

    -Doesn’t mean because you haven’t been warned on MG, your other information doesn’t count. You’ve abused a glitch on PR, how can we trust you won’t do it on MG either?

    -List your Alts, please.

    -You don’t say much, people barely even notice you’re there, sure you may be using skype and the forums alot, but a mod needs to be at the chat a great part of the time.

    -You say you’ll allways do your best, but at times, I see you give up.
    (an example of this are your posts of you being done with factions)

    -Brags alot from time to time, this annoys players, really…

    +Can be friendly. (At times)

    +Active. (Both forums and in-game)

    +Helpfull. (At times)

    Learn from this, If I forgot to state something I’ll be sure too update this as soon as possible, or others will adress it.

    Next time, wait a period of 2 months before applying again, I know 2 months seem long, but 6 months is longer, trust me!


    in reply to: It's Super Bowl Sunday! #94145 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Richard is probably trying to adress that nobody cares about who wins or not, it’ll be clear once the game is finished, and those interested will watch it, there’s obviously no reason to make this topic. (<- What Richard tried to make clear)

    in reply to: Astronomy + Internet = scaring little kids #94039 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Did you know that the extinction of the dinosaurs might’ve been a meteor crashing into earth’s surface? A meteor so big, it caused tsunami’s to whipe out all land creatures. The heat made the meteor burn, causing alot of smoke spreading into the air, blocking every sunlight from reaching earth, and birds dying, and the water creatures most likely died because of the impact.

    The chance this will happen again is low, but there are some other threats.
    For example the volcano near Yellowstone (somewhere in the US), is so big that an eruption could cause so much smoke and dust to be created, covering all of earth and blocking the sunlight, causing us to die from the cold.
    + Even our own sun can be a danger too us. (Fun fact: our sun will die [explode] in a few billion years)

    You never know what could happen, tough our extinction is probably a few million years ahead of us, don’t worry (yet).

    in reply to: Dungeons: V1.0 #94017 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Oh nice copying,,, Imean I’ll check it out one day… soon…

    in reply to: DarkKnightz17's Mod Application #93973 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up! Defenitely voting up!

    My reasons:
    Friendly: Never saw him swearing or insulting anybody.

    Cool-headed: Knows how to stay calm, at all costs.

    Helpful: Help where he can, when he can. He’ll put alot of effort in helping others, even if he doesn’t know the answer himself.

    Active: Both ingame and on the forums he is active, as supposed to be and expected from a mod.

    Lots of experience: He knows the drill, he can handle nearly every situation, because of the amount of experience he has, so much I am nothing compared to him.

    Good english: hardly any spelling mistakes. He can help out allmost anyone because of his amazing english.

    He’s overall a nice person to have around, and the best player I can recommend to take as a mod, I can’t find anything bad about him. Hope you get accepted, Dark.

    Apart from all the above mentioned things, I’d also like to add:
    Dark has learned me lots of things, what I should do and what not. He has been like an example for me for a very very long time. And most of all, he’s an amazing friend!

    Good Luck, may the experience be with you!


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