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  • zayed7


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  zayed7.
    in reply to: Towny Grife #109115 Score: 0


    Bump :)

    in reply to: What the.. #106339 Score: 0


    .-. Do not Forget Without Born ….. <—– ( just wow. ) the server would of be dead long time ago

    in reply to: How did he get there? #106337 Score: 0


    Ander thats the old spec and there’s a whole leading to mods houses etc in that place he should get banned for getting there non can go there i tried /pvp spec try ur self

    in reply to: Apologies… #106328 Score: 0


    .-. no comment


    i am already sitting down ;D and its not that much difference if its big or small base it matter if they were near or not + if there was much other mobs near or not and no i was banned for ( Name tag ) as wither said to me u have name tag + killaura just becuz i killed em while he was flying in pvp……. and cuz i don’t have proof he wont unban me ( he was flying in the air not moving even just flying on the same place how couldn’t i kill him while he does /back and stand on the same place for like 5 times

    + i am not creating this 88green is creating stuff and i just said my opinion cuz i think its clear cuz its hard to make such a big storey like that and i don’t think its a lie just my opinion and please stop arguing i just said my opinion ……. should i every fkn time type [ just saying my opinion ] not replying to any thing else if u need me please msg me ingame i don’t want to argue a lot

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  zayed7.


    Wither u know what This is another topic and i didn’t ask for ur opinion i was replying to another guy please mind ur own business The only thing that ur too scared to face the truth and call me on skype ur just creating excuses let me show u whos the real zko and real sko or real zayed / real saif and this is not why i am banned u abusing is why i am banned for ( in ur face ) I wonder why don’t u make a SV Mod App And See what SV Mods would reply just try

    mizo i am not creating stories i wasn’t even there with them i am banned becuz of wither ……

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  zayed7.


    lel…. when its bigger its easy to hear since nothing is there creating noises but u 2 and how would we have a screen shot of u 2 while ur invisi ( say cheeez take a selfie with the air ) mods drink pots and fly cannot be caught ….. or seen in a screenshot they can easily fly away or even if we took a screenshot if ( we saw ur bubbles ) we wont know if it was u or another guy ……. so why would those guys make up a huge storey ….. on u guys if they don’t have any hate on u at least mods should be unable to drink any kind of pot while flying when they do /fly while they have a pot effect the effect shall be gone the only way is /vanish for higher ranks


    LEL wait a min
    u guys were sure that there was no holes did u know he can make one and pretend like it was there ? i recommend mods to add /lb tool to bust Chinoe if he did it + other mods abusing in Factions + like wth i saw deleterious faction how the hell its that big i swear non can do this without even abusing even with abusing its hard ……. even if u guys had 60 players in it would be hard and afc u guys don’t have 60 player clear abuse sign + please send us ur log’s so we can see if u were really trying to get into the base with squirte without abusing ….

    in reply to: Kill aura #104400 Score: 0


    That Guy Closed his Hacks , when he is raged he make toggle them back on …… pretty dam clear no knock back when ender was gone bad luck




    ME 2 hackers Sucks !

    in reply to: It's time for me to apologize. #96817 Score: 0


    MaxminoS is Right and u do not have to apologize on anything its his fault, no one is different than other in the server mod or a player they are all the same when a normal member get a little mistake get warn a big one …. like using hacks …. banned same as mods …. mods have there own rules like a member have, example : like mods swearing on a member aint normal he dose not get a warn … cuz he have his own rules so u do the crime u do the time anything bad u do gonna turn to a consequences back to u …. respect players everyone well respect u ;D EVEN IF YOUR POOR they well still Make u popular … or A mod… etc u just have to follow rules respect others And Do Not Stop When u See Someone Doing a Wrong Thing ( Mod / player )

    in reply to: Prison Easter Egg Event #96782 Score: 0


    Wow. that’s a nice challenging event ;D nice idea

    in reply to: Ban appeal #60465 Score: 0


    Guys am I Guilty or Innocent

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