Forum Replies Created
Can you see a bedrock outline? The one that sorround the islands?
When you do /Island has your island completly disapeared?
Look up when falling, what do you see?-Zupers
Okay, I am checking it now.
Chu are a bit late Trollson :p This has been around for a while.
A warning though, if you say Chu to much, you may think your a train. xD-Zupers
Its PVP hill, you take a risk when teaming with other players. Make sure you team with people who you trust and not just players that go “Anyone want to team?” I don’t think any action needs to be taken tbh.
You received so many warnings in such a short amount of time. List your alts please.
Don’t worry, its back up.
What server? Creative or main?
January 30, 2013 at 4:16 am in reply to: Abuse trial Mod and Warning People Without Prove #14122 Score: 0Great way to get unbanned by swearing at a mod.
Toblerone get kicked from a town because he is doing his duty? Yeah right.
At least its a short ban, do not do any of these things again.-Zupers
I vote for Sunsetcove! We recently passed 50+ resisdents and have a active 40/35 players.
1) Nice friendly town with a close community, everyone talks to one another.
2) Nice view, ever wanted to live near/on the ocean? Now you can.
3) Constantly expanding and always open to new players who are looking for a strong foothold in EC
So I vote for my town, Sunsetcove.
So you have now been banned from the CR server twice?
Lying is never a good way of being allowed back on a server.
We can very easily check ip logs and see.
Skywalker77799 has used X-Ray before, and even admitted it in his ban appeal.
Skywalker77799’s ban appeal can be found here: http://eternalcracked.com/index.php/forums/topic/proper-perm-ban-x-ray-appeal
And also another conversation with mods can be found here : http://eternalcracked.com/index.php/forums/topic/numberemail-to-reach-owner
And http://eternalcracked.com/index.php/forums/topic/goodbye-ec-3
These links clearly show why skywalker77799 was banned, and contain proof of what he did.
Interesting. You received 8 warnings on January the 19th. Three for respect one for language and the rest by spamguard. You must have been auto banned.
Bit late, but that plot was cleared and the creator of the plot has been perm-banned.
Just incase anyone was wondering.
This is because players with normal Minecraft receive the skin data from the Mojang website. While cracked players do not receive any skin apart from the default steve which is already saved in your Minecraft folder. The EC client uses http://minecrack.fr.nf/mc/ and downloads player skin data from there, not from the official mojang website.