cookiemonsterIV's mod application


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications cookiemonsterIV's mod application

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #122468 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: (username, alternative accounts)

    Experiences: (describe your experience with minecraft and faction)

    How often are you Online? (describe how long your online)

    Why should we pick you as mod? (answer the questions)

    IGN-cookiemonsterIV Alts-cookiemonsterIII

    Experience- 2 years of Minecraft and almost 2 years of factions

    Online 2-6 hours a day except for thursday because of Swimming

    I think you should pick me as a Mod because i have matured Ingame and
    help players out a lot. I don’t lose my temper and i am good with assisting other players (ofc not too much with the gameplay but with info or issues)

    I Hope i can be TrialMod because i would be a good one


    #122469 Score: 0


    Vote down! :(

    +Active in game

    -Inactive in forums

    -Don’t Reports (your profile is pure post of mod app)

    -Poor mod app (It would be better that you develop more its intentions)

    -You do not respect time, in his other mod app ( maximoS denied his mod app and and he said that you do other mod app in 02/10/2015 and you create other mod app today (25/09/2015)

    Good Luck and have a nice day! 😛

    #122472 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote down


    – Active in game..?

    -Lied by saying that you’ve become mature. Just last week I saw you swearing and disrespecting

    -Still has a bad temper

    -Inactive on forums

    -Can’t follow the rules. You had a Scammer tag on survival recently. And yes, this can be used against you in factions, because EC wants mods who don’t break the rules regardless of what server branch it is.

    -Made another mod application less than 3 months ago, and it was denied.

    -Don’t see you reporting often

    -Took the scammer tag as a joke.

    #122475 Score: 0


    Ander m8 i didnt take my scammer tag as a joke,i report on skype,scammer tag was 1 month late to be removed,i never disrespected i just swore which is allowed.

    #122477 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Stop lying, you disrespected someone. I saw it with my own eyes, you can’t tell me I didn’t see anything.

    #122479 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote up.

    +Active in game.
    +Sometimes Reports.
    +Somewhat friendly to players.

    -Not active on the forums.
    -May get mad time to time.

    Have a very nice day and good luck on your mod apply. 😀

    #122481 Score: 0


    Vote Down
    -You had alt accounts on prison, which is against EC rules
    -Poor mod app
    -Immature (always)

    #122619 Score: 0


    WTFBROOO I’m sorry idk your IGN sooo if idk you how should you know if I’m disrespectful??

    #122620 Score: 0

    20 pts

    *facepalm* his name is WTFBROOO, and don’t try to deny votes like “No that’s not true you’re wrong”, people have their opinion.

    #122621 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Not everybody knows that their forums username is their ingame game. My forums name is Wither and my ingame name is WitherPlayMc.

    The reason disrespect is not an opinion. WTFBROOO either has facts to support that he was being disrespectful in the past, or either he was making it up.

    Like Ander said, he saw cookie disrespect in his own eyes, but choose not to report or screenshot.

    Ander, you should probably calm down. This is a mod application for cookiemonsterIII, not yours. It’s not for you to argue about every single point. Nether the less, you don’t get the choose the final decision of his mod application.

    #122628 Score: 0


    Vote down
    -not always online
    -not active in forums
    -mean to others
    -You had promised that you will return back my fishing rod but u didn’t hand it to me
    -talk nonsense
    -not well-experienced

    #122629 Score: 0


    Vote Middle Down
    +Active In Game
    -Can’t accept other people’s opinion
    -Cursed at others before

    Try to accept others’ opinions more and you’ll become a better person. Wish you good luck.

    #129081 Score: 0

    7 pts



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