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This topic contains 24 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #108533 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    In /warp tutorial it says “Ore Party Will Be Hosted On Every Third Saturday Of Each Month Its Hosted.”
    But next oreparty isn’t on the 3rd Saturday, its on a weekday. So are you guys going change it?

    #108534 Score: 0


    Alright, Welcome back to OreTime Petition!


    Like I said in the above topics, 30 days is not a Multiple of 7…

    I even recommended 28 or 35 days…

    Hence change it immediately please, or expect a lot of riots, because 71.43% of the Ore Parties are on Weekdays… (I know for a fact that Dark said a big fat NO to me on this)

    #108537 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Can you tell me the date of the next Oreparty, Coz I’m to damm lazy to see xD

    #108539 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Like I said in the above topics, 30 days is not a Multiple of 7…
    I even recommended 28 or 35 days…

    omg i never knew it was a multiple of @sevenfootmosnt3r thank you melee.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10 -ign

    #108540 Score: 0


    Thank you very much Ali…

    Alright Tavon, for Reference:

    Ore Parties are hosted on these dates (Asian Side/American Side):

    16th May 2015, Saturday/15th May 2015, Friday

    15th June 2015, Monday/14th June 2015, Sunday

    15th July 2015, Wednesday/14th July 2015, Tuesday

    14th August 2015, Friday/13th August 2015, Thursday

    13th September 2015, Sunday/12th September 2015, Saturday

    13th October 2015, Tuesday/
    12th October 2015, Monday

    12th November 2015, Thursday/11th November 2015, Wednesday

    12th December 2015, Saturday/11th December 2015, Friday

    #108553 Score: 0


    Melee, trollson was quite clear about it in your last post. He said that this system wasnt that flexible. Face it, melee. You were the person who started this in the first place. Remember trying to frame Zero for your inability to check time for the ore party? Well guess what? Deal with it.

    #108555 Score: 0


    Mathematics is Awesome. It Makes People Cry. c:

    #108556 Score: 0


    Chillz, he did not see the last part. The thing is, 28/35 days is still fixed… I am sure that can be done, this is the purpose of this topic anyway according to Mr_Tito361…

    #108566 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I think it’d be funny to just remove Ore Parties.

    #108567 Score: 0


    ^ Lol Ikr, I actually wouldn’t mind I would rather we host a different event.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Own7ge.
    #108569 Score: 0


    … Nobody knows how oreparties operate -.-

    #108571 Score: 0


    Alright, 2.40am post again

    Now lets reclarify with what Chillz said earlier

    This system doesnt need to be flexible (i.e. it only has 1 timing, just change the number of days, easy enough… This is the purpose of this topic – and is started by Mr_Tito361, not me)

    You say i started this, well you can be correct, however i was representing EVERYONE…

    Now how dare you curse my Maths Skills. If you say i have the inability, you are incorrect. Explain to me why is the entire server asking me for the timings…

    Also in case you dont know… It is not my ‘non-existent’ inability. I have calculated everything correctly, everyone verifed with online sources and deemed me as correct. However, it was later found that the Information given is wrong… This is because Zero did not follow the DST rules, messing everyone up. I lost reputation for a few weeks, but people soon believed its not my fault, its Zero’s fault, and i regained my reputation back…

    So stop accusing me, since i got 100 for both Maths (yeah you just need to shut up)…

    Even FuriousKnightz (at that time) verifed and deemed zero at fault, but no action is done (since the event is over)

    Conclusion: Chillz is a huge Dumbass…

    #108573 Score: 0

    41 pts


    #108574 Score: 0


    I am very serious… Now everyone is complaining to me about this… and is asking me to change the time -.- and even saying ALL the mods failed their maths to ZERO -.- (guys stop cursing the mods, their IQ doesnt need to be that high to your expectations, i dont expect their IQ to even match mine – i got 0 for my IQ -.-)

    #108578 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I do agree with melee, ore parties should be every 28 or 35 days. I’ll probably miss 6 out of 9 ore parties due to school (well maybe 3 due to summer vacation). But if someone has a superior timezone, where ore parties are at 6:00 PM for them, then they could attend on all of the ore parties, giving a significant advantage.

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