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This topic contains 24 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #108579 Score: 0


    Rogue, you have just summarised my OreTime Petition in 60 words… Thank you very much, but it got denied twice (for ridiculous reasons)

    #108582 Score: 0


    I think we might be able to get to a solution .. So what you guys here are trying to explain is that you don’t want oreparty hosted at the same time every month cause some people can attend that time .. And others can never ever attend.. Solution: Go up to your parents with a switchblade and tell them I heard Snoop Dogg’s song “I smoke weed everyday” They be like ATTEND IT! Okay now that was to cheer you up. For the serious part, I wont deny you guys have a good point. So I also would suggest that OreParty would be hosted (By a Human being) not automated. Or remove all the oreparty event (People Rage at Own!). Or for the final suggestion have 4 oreparties a day. 6 hours different from each other. Want to know why I suggest this? Cause not everyone has a weekend on Saturday (Many complains about times) so if one is hosted at 12:00 pm and someone is in school then the other one is hosted 6:00pm in house. then 12:00pm nighty nighty(Unless you’re a tough boy) then 6:00 am while you’re snoring in bed. Anyways 4 oreparties a day sound exciting huh? If I am incorrect please correct me. this can be automated.. Anyone can make this just make a schedule for yourself. Also Give me a High Five ;). Just to make this clear OreParties are not that Op as they used to be.. So 4 oreparties in 1 day once a month sounds cool(Wew So Not just don’t tell them Snoopy). Anyways tell me where you can find the negative affects in this.. Then remove the whole OreParty and add a 2 Day offer of a reallly reallly reallly (Realized three L’s and three really’s :p) Op bm that people can sell loot at. Cause this OreParty thing is causing me to go #Yolo.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Own7ge. Reason: Cause I want to, Get on my lvl "Hint": Use a ladder
    #108590 Score: 0


    Wow own, you literally just expanded my Petition, alright scrap my idea and use own’s idea instead!!!


    #108599 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I think it’s not best to just Remove OreParty. Prison is already lacking Event and some are still being Build by Mods / Builders.

    But they need to find a way.. Where nearly 80% Of Prison folks can go to OreParty or just one of them.

    Now I don’t mind to have OreParty removed. I like surly live with myself. But when you think of it. What would be a re-place?

    #108631 Score: 0


    Own just suggested the best way to improve on my proposed solution… My solution is as such to make sure there isnt excessive ore parties and to make sure they remain op, 4 ore parties are good but they will end up being less op, which might render oreparty useless to some already…

    #108934 Score: 0


    Bumping this 12 minutes after Vesak Day!!!

    #109290 Score: 0


    Bump at 12.19am

    O.O the entries:

    Edit, last minute addition from Max aka maxwellx -.-

    Alright Final June 3rd 2015 Update before I go to sleep for school tomorrow on 4th June 2015 from 7.30am to 6pm straight -.-

    (Version 5, Re-Updated on 3rd June 2015, 10.46pm Singapore Time UTC+8 – Late Quarter Jolteon o’ Clock, on the Glaceon o’ Clock side.) Numbers so far:

    Timothy: 701 711 731 751 771 777 791

    Breezayy: 47, 69, 825, 400, 127, 235, 750

    88green1: 88 , 99 , 111 , 222 ,333 ,884 ,500

    ethanowens: 879,137, 454, 954, 213, 479,569

    AnderZENZ: 345, 863, 243, 059, 063, 967, 237

    _jjpirate_: 123, 456, 789, 101, 563, 790, 528

    v2_jester: 37 77 694 711 911 321 330

    HuskyTorchic: 08 69 888 94 97 515 49

    Yaseen20: 234 068 258 580 900 478 881

    DiamondPro1: 3 1 8 5 9 4 6

    SnIpErIo: 10 3 8 19 30 40 50

    BAD75: 102 293 384 576 019 827 635

    wyverndragon: 125,225,50,500,625,777,360

    Matelo: 017 525 622 201 015 156 562

    maxminoS: 000, 111, 213, 313, 045, 666, 067

    Tavon1924: 192, 219, 319, 419, 519, 619, 719

    Jynnxed: 427 669 051 578 887 654 146

    AliThePro: 52 78 95 102 945 802 500

    jerome43926: 11 455 799 101 21 69 991

    BeastADragon: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 69

    GrassFae: 13 25 48 891 574 345 208

    Own7ge: 777, 77, 7, (Cristiano Ronaldo) 14,144, (Xabi Alonso) Last Number: 524, 925. (Random) (Thanks for the Influences and Admirations :) )

    GLG: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (And yes I know Xabi Alonso is not in Real Madrid anymore)

    PeterPlaysMC: 645 964 192 207 324 485 007

    Sydhead: 54, 567, 523, 546, 970, 112, 425

    DemacianCrafter: 555, 005, 652, 123, 008, 003, 004

    stormfrenzy: 007 049 373 404 609 689 707

    dr4gon1234: 39, 878, 21, 165, 85, 23, 215

    maxwellx: 69 123 456 721 741 761 998

    Compiled Numbers:

    0 (1 Time)
    1 (3 Times)
    2 (2 Times)
    3 (5 Times)
    4 (4 Times)
    5 (4 Times)
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    7 (4 Times)
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    9 (1 Time)
    10 (1 Time)
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    112 (1 Time)
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    #109633 Score: 0


    Bump, this need to be fixed NOW

    #109638 Score: 0


    A countdown on a signboard should be place at oreparty, just like the mine reset countdown. It will make it easier for players to plan or for players who are unaware of their timezones too.

    #110008 Score: 0


    #Issue Solved…

    Now close this topic!

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